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Although I am a guitar teacher, I still consider myself a student. For over half my life I have studied the guitar. I am constantly learning new techniques, applications, and combinations. I have studied under a number of great guitarist and musicians, both privately and in the classroom, and have accumulated much musical knowledge. My purpose in this book is to teach what I have learned in a fraction of the time that it has taken me to learn it.

The first chapter of this book will be a comprehensive look at the fundamentals of the guitar. I am of strong belief that musicians should know their instruments, and you as a guitarist should know your guitar.

The following chapters, for the most part, will be pure playing. You will learn to play scales on the entire fretboard. We will concentrate on speed, accuracy, ear training, and creativity. Throughout the book we will add new techniques and applications to every note and every scale position.

When you have finished this course you will have at your command an unlimited musical vocabulary for your guitar.

Have fun, and be creative. Study the material in this book for at least 30 minutes a day in addition to your current practice time. Work hard and it will come easy.

Mark John Sternal

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First Basic Lesson
Reading Guitar Music

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